Alicia Mason

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Probiotics in the Treatment of Eczema

By Alicia Mason, 2015-09-10

Probiotics are essential bacteria that offer multiple benefits to human body. Probiotics aids in the treatment of various diseases like cold, flu, digestive ailments, skin problems etc. Nowadays probiotics are incorporated in skin care and beauty products which yields much beneficial results to skin diseases like acne, pimple, eczema, rosacea etc. Probiotics acts as a vital anti ageing ingredient in beauty products. Probiotics works wonders over wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles, pigmentation etc. With regular use signs and symptoms of ageing gets reduced considerably and people get a healthy and younger looking skin.

Probiotics strengthens the immune system thereby protects the body from inflammation and allergies. Probiotics contains thousands of live organisms which are very much beneficial for our body. Probiotics are found in human body, in certain foods and dietary supplements. Pobiotics is beneficial for the treatment of eczema. There are approximately four hundred strains of probiotics of which lactobacillus and bifidobacteria are two most commonly used probiotics strains used in the treatment of eczema.

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Eczema is more than a skin problem as it gives indication of weak immune system. Eczema is most common in case of babies and children since immune systems in children are in developing stage so not strong enough to fight inflammation causing bacteria. So eczema is said to be the first signs of inflammation and allergy in the first stages of babies. Probiotics act strongly against eczema. Evidence proves that children whose mothers took probiotic supplements during pregnancy have a reduced risk of having eczema. Increased intake of probiotic rich food provides overall benefit to the health and well being of individuals. Probiotics present in the digestive tract are found to detect between pathogens and non-harmful antigens and respond and react accordingly. The beneficial bacteria or probiotics present in the intestine helps to prevent allergies by making the immune system strong.

Eczema can be managed to some extent in the home by maintaining cleanliness and hygiene. Eczema can be controlled by changing laundry detergents or harsh soaps which may be the cause of irritations. Tight fitting clothes should be avoided along with scratching the affected area. Taking lukewarm showers or baths are recommended for patients suffering from eczema. Fragrance free mild soap or body cleansers should be used. To keep the skin hydrated and soft after bath emollients are to be applied on wet skin. Emollients are substances which prevents the skin from getting dry by inhibiting the evaporation of water and moisture from the skin. Thinner emollients are mostly preferred by patients as they are less greasy and easy to apply. Regular exercise should be done to remain healthy and reduce stress.

Probiotics offer positive results in treating eczema but in severe cases doctors may prescribe medications to treat eczema. In most cases hydrocortisone creams or ointments help to treat eczema. Oral anti histamines are available in medicine shops which helps to relieve symptoms of eczema like itching and in some case oral corticosteroids are also advised to patients. Patients with severe eczema may benefit from using severe ultra violet light therapy. Thus eczema which is a common skin disease can be treated with the help of probiotics and other medications along with maintenance of proper health and hygiene.

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