I need help in english editing of an anticle based on ethnoveterinary plants of India.
Volunteer editor (English)
Dear Sam,
You might like to join our working group, Volunteers for Communication , which currently has few members volunteering for anything.
It seems that practical efforts like building toilets in distant countries, or helping farmers on organic farms, are more popular than volunteer help with communication, although communication is what connects most things to most things.
Just a thought.
Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.
Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com
Dear Sam,
Play writers seem to get into anything and everything... now its science writing!
Peter (now back in Japan)
Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.
Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com
I am seeking experience editing papers for both style and sense. My academic background is in English literature and philosophy but I am happy to read papers from other disciplines; if the content is so far outside my understanding that I cannot judge its meaning at all, I will say so!
I can point out where possible syntactical errors or ambiguities may confuse other readers of your paper, ensuring that it engages the widest possible audience. Reply in this thread or by personal message if you think I may be able to help you.
updated by @samuel-bradford: 02/06/16 07:57:40PM