Asking others to read and check your paper can improve acceptance by publishers

Research Cooperative
Research Cooperative
4 years ago
227 posts

May publishers receive papers hat have god content but poor construction and writing.

Many problems can be ironed out before submission by asking colleagues to read a draft and make critical comments. If the help given is major, then the volunteer helper can also be invited to be a coauthor!

Researchers can help each other, by offering help in areas of their own expertise.

If you are a researcher, please consider using this forum to request volunteer help, and if you want, make a specific offer to help others, in the forum for editing offers.

The aim is to find compatible working partners with shared interests and trust. This requires that you make your own efforts to communicate with other members of the network.

Thank you, Peter (Admin, Kyoto)

Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.

Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com


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