Thanks,This seems to be a request for:'Translation of an article from Russian to English'.So I have put the note in our forum for translation requests.Also, if you visit our members group for Translators , you might find someone who can help.You can also follow this link for results of a Google search across all profiles of our members, with the keywords: Russian, English, translation .Best regards, Peter
Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.
Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com
Translation of the article from Russian on English
Research Cooperative
15 years ago
226 posts
Adler Gamzatov
15 years ago
1 posts
Zdravstvuyte, k sogaleniyu ochen plokho s angliyskim yazikom/ Ne mogli bi Vi proverit perevod moey stati(Hello unfortunately it is very bad with technical English language. You couldn't check up transfer of my article)Kind regards,
updated by @adler-gamzatov: 02/06/16 07:57:33PM
updated by @adler-gamzatov: 02/06/16 07:57:33PM