Research Cooperative

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Blogs: 15
Pages: 7
images: 5
youtube videos: 1
Invitations: 2
Groups: 10
Location: International
Work interests: Providing NPO social network for better research communication
Affiliation/website: Serving all members of the Research Cooperative
Preferred contact method: Other (details below)
Preferred contact language(s): English
Contact: email (researchcooperative atto gmail dotto com)
Favourite publications: PJ Matthews and J Akamine, eds. (2004) Research Writing in Japan: Personal, Cultural, and Practical Perspectives, Senri Ethnological Reports No. 49. National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka.

Create my public profile

  • Creating your profile, and later updating

    1. When you first log in, after previous registration and joining, you will be shown your profile settings page . This is where details can be added to create a full public profile.

    (If you have joined using Social Sign In from your Google or other account, please log in and go to the account settings tab under your name in the main menu; there you will be shown the Registration page and a tab for the Profile page. Please fill in details for both).

    Only three fields are "REQUIRED" - name, location, and work interests.  Other details can be added at any time using the optional fields. Adding more details and keyword tags on your profile page will make it easier for people to find you. If you are offering services in order gain income, please try to make your profile informative and attractive, so that potential customers can find you.

    2. W hen you log in another time, the first page you see should be your public profile page , with a cog icon at upper right.

    Gear <span class=icon copy.jpg">

    To update your profile details, use the Cog button to reach your  profile settings page.

    3. Your profile name in the main menu will always be visible, wherever you go within the Research Cooperative network after logging in.  Wherever you are looking in the network, you can use the main menu tab to get back to your own profile.  

    4. There is also an " Account settings " sub-tab under your profile name in the main menu (put your cursor over the main menu tab to see the dropdown menu). This leads to pages where you can edit your Profile,  Registration, and Notification settings .

    Notifications are the messages sent to you through our network, and can be sent to your email address (the usual default) or as private notes inside your account here. They can also be switched off entirely, except for certain essential administrative messages that may be sent by Admin, from time to time.


  • Members who joined before year 2017 are our "Founding members"

    Please see how to set up a new password or new account ( "Founding member" info ) if you have not updated your account details since 2016.

  • Please keep your profile page public (it can be private if necessary)

    Your profile page can be made public or not public by selecting who can see the page. Look for the check box on your profile settings page. (Network moderators and admin can always see the page).

    You might want to make your profile page private while experimenting with the look and content, or if you are not available for contact temporarily.

    In general, profiles in our network should be public as they are the basis on which services can be offered or requested.

    The information on your profile page is automatically indexed for searching inside the site.

    Whether or not other members can find your page will depend on what information you provide.

    There are advantages for both the author and the service provider (editor, translator, etc.) when both have a public profile in the network: 

    (1) Editors or translators like to know something about the interests of potential customers, in order to judge whether to accept a request, or offer a service.

    (2) Authors like to know something about the experience and interests of an editor, translator, or illustrator before accepting an offer, or when asking someone for help.

    With public profiles, members can establish mutually-beneficial working relationships.

  • Optional and Required Fields for Profile Page

    Optional and Required Fields for Profile Page

    The two images at left and below show the profile fields that can be used to present public information on your profile.

    Only three fields are "required" and need to be filled in:  Name, Location, and Work interests (see upper part of the form). 

    These fields are enough for others to know something about you. The fields can be updated at any time, and you can also chose to make your profile private if you wish to check the result yourself before making it public.

    Please do not show:

    (1) Your exact email address, as it may be recorded by internet robots that collect personal data for spam services. An email address can be disguised by replacing dots with the word dot and putting brackets or spaces between parts of the address.

    (2) Your personal home address unless this is a postal address you use for work purposes.

    See also help notes on your profile page by clicking on a help icon: [?]


  • Further optional fields on the profile page

    Further optional fields on the profile page

    See notes above.

    The "biography" section is displayed at the top of your profile page and be shown with or without its own title. This can be used for a personal biography, or for the description of a company if you have joined to promote the work of your company.

    Your "Profile quota" setting is determined automatically ("Standard Regular Member" for new members, and "Founding Regular Member" for members who joined in the period 2001-2017. The "Quota" determines what functions you have access to throughout the network. An Administrator can change your Quota to "Publisher" or "Shopfront", on request.

  • Keyword tags for public profile

    Keyword tags can be added and removed on your public profile page, after you have logged in.

    The Research Cooperative may add tags to your page to help visitors navigate through the network, but these can be changed or removed by the profile owner.

    Each tag should have at least three letters.To remove a tag, click on the x mark at the side of the tag.

    More than one word can be added together as a tag, but there is a length limit, which will be made apparent when the tag is too long.

Shaikh Abdullah Al Mamun Hossain
09/07/19 09:25:16AM @shaikh-abdullah-al-mamun-hossain:
I am Dr. Shaikh Abdullah Al Mamun Hossain
Research Cooperative
05/01/17 11:42:55AM @chief-admin:

See also the entry on " Adding tags to make information accessible ".

Ramiro Falla Sanchez
18/02/21 06:10:25AM @ramiro-falla-sanchez:

we are in pandemic times as virtual era begin now, too.
