Research Cooperative Review (Issue 4, 4th April 2010)
Greetings to everyone, from Kyoto.
This 'Review' is an occasional note sent to all members to provide
information about our network. See previous issues here.
1. UPDATE: We have recently completed a global campaign to invite new members, and now have significantly better representation in Africa, Asia and South America. There is now a much greater potential for members to make new and useful connections, in each of these regions. Please visit The Research Cooperative again to see what you can find.
2. REVIEW: Katelis Viglas, a philosopher and member of our network, has kindly written a very thoughtful note on social networking for scientists , in which he compares Research GATE and
the Research Cooperative.
3. ANNOUNCEMENT: The main goal of the Research Cooperative is to encourage communication between all the people involved in research-based writing and publishing. In addition, we encourage members to discuss (1) opportunities for publishing, (2) language services, and (3) communication projects, in our topic pages .
Dr P. J. Matthews (Admin., The Research Cooperative).
This 'Review' is an occasional note sent to all members to provide
information about our network. See previous issues here.
1. UPDATE: We have recently completed a global campaign to invite new members, and now have significantly better representation in Africa, Asia and South America. There is now a much greater potential for members to make new and useful connections, in each of these regions. Please visit The Research Cooperative again to see what you can find.
2. REVIEW: Katelis Viglas, a philosopher and member of our network, has kindly written a very thoughtful note on social networking for scientists , in which he compares Research GATE and
the Research Cooperative.
3. ANNOUNCEMENT: The main goal of the Research Cooperative is to encourage communication between all the people involved in research-based writing and publishing. In addition, we encourage members to discuss (1) opportunities for publishing, (2) language services, and (3) communication projects, in our topic pages .
Dr P. J. Matthews (Admin., The Research Cooperative).