Research Cooperative Review (Issue 4, 4th April 2010)

Research Cooperative
04/04/10 10:06:36PM
Greetings to everyone, from Kyoto.

This 'Review' is an occasional note sent to all members to provide
information about our network. See previous issues here.

1. UPDATE: We have recently completed a global campaign to invite new members, and now have significantly better representation in Africa, Asia and South America. There is now a much greater potential for members to make new and useful connections, in each of these regions. Please visit The Research Cooperative again to see what you can find.

2. REVIEW: Katelis Viglas, a philosopher and member of our network, has kindly written a very thoughtful note on social networking for scientists , in which he compares Research GATE and
the Research Cooperative.

3. ANNOUNCEMENT: The main goal of the Research Cooperative is to encourage communication between all the people involved in research-based writing and publishing. In addition, we encourage members to discuss (1) opportunities for publishing, (2) language services, and (3) communication projects, in our topic pages .

Dr P. J. Matthews (Admin., The Research Cooperative).