Our newly edited "About" text (describing the aims of this group; comments welcome)

Research Cooperative
14/12/12 01:27:53PM

Training, best practices, costs, job descriptions, negotiation between editors, proofreaders, authors and publishers, and editing ethics. Editors, proofreaders, students, researchers, publishers and others are all welcome to join.

Please use the message board below to introduce relevant topics and make replies (click on the message title to see full message or make reply; add keyword tags to increase the visibility of your message).

Find editors and proofreaders in our network

See also: all occupations , and all groups .

Research Cooperative
15/12/12 10:16:02AM @chief-admin:

Dear Lea,

Thanks very much. I took your version and modified it slightly.

Best regards, P.

Lea Galanter
15/12/12 01:08:27AM @lea-galanter:

I'd like to provide a little clearer text for the group description (it was a little confusing). Here is my suggested rewrite:

This group is a place to discuss editing practices, standards, ethics, training, costs, job descriptions, and negotiating with editors, authors, publishers, and proofreaders.

Please use the message board below to introduce relevant topics and to reply. click on the message title to view the full message or to reply; add keyword tags to increase the visibility of your message.


Lea Galanter


Seattle, WA

kumar avinash bharati
14/12/12 08:01:39PM @kumar-avinash-bharati:

I am looking for english language editor for my ethnobotany paper.