Dr. Hari Mohan Saxena

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Location: Ludhiana, Punjab State, India
Work: Immunology, Infectious diseases, Diagnostics, Vaccines

Category: Lunar South Pole

राजस्थान के दो अंतरिक्ष प्रेमी भाइयों ने दुनिया में पहली बार चंद्रमा के दक्षिणी ध्रुव पर एलियंस या इंसानों की मौजूदगी का प्रत्यक्ष दृश्य प्रमाण प्रस्तुत किया है। जयपुर में रहने वाले सेवानिवृत्त प्रोफेसर डॉ. हरि मोहन सक्सैना और बीकानेर स्थित सेवानिवृत्त बैंक अधिकारी श्री जग मोहन सक्सैना ने यूएसए से प्रकाशित प्रतिष्ठित न्यूयॉर्क साइंस जर्नल के अप्रैल 2024 अंक में चंद्रमा पर अब तक अज्ञात एलियंस या मानव गतिविधि पर अपने नवीनतम निष्कर्ष प्रकाशित किए हैं।

दोनों ने सार्वजनिक डोमेन में उपलब्ध नासा लूनर रिकोनिसेंस ऑर्बिटर कैमरा द्वारा ली गई कई हजार किलोमीटर की विशाल चंद्र इमेजरी के माध्यम से चंद्रमा की सतह की एक अत्यंत दुर्लभ छवि प्राप्त की है। छवि में लगभग 2-3 मीटर लंबी एक अजीब बेलनाकार धातु की वस्तु दिखाई देती है, जो चंद्रमा के दक्षिणी ध्रुव पर एक गुफा के अंदर क्षैतिज रूप से रखी गई है। उन्होंने अनुमान लगाया कि यह बिजली जनरेटर हो सकता है। गुफा के ऊपर स्थित पास की एक अन्य संरचना में कई बड़े आयताकार धातु के फ्रेम शामिल हैं, जिनका आकार लगभग 6 x 4 मीटर है। उनका सुझाव है कि यह संभवतः एक विद्युत ट्रांसफार्मर हो सकता है। दोनों संरचनाएं एक साथ मिलकर संभवतः किसी छिपे हुए चंद्र आधार या चंद्रमा के दक्षिणी ध्रुव पर गुफाओं के अंदर एक एलियन या मानव कॉलोनी को बिजली की आपूर्ति के लिए बिजली उत्पादन इकाई का हिस्सा हो सकती हैं। रहस्यमय असेंबली चंद्र दक्षिणी ध्रुव (अक्षांश: -89.63068, देशांतर: 92.77928) पर शेकलटन क्रेटर के अंदर परिधि की ओर स्थित है।

Fig 3 AI enhanced image of Transformer & generator.jpeg Fig 4 Location with nomenclature  and geomorphologic map.jpg

चंद्रमा के दक्षिणी ध्रुव पर शेकलटन क्रेटर के अंदर गुफा में स्थित विद्युत ट्रांसफार्मर और जनरेटर की रहस्यमय असेंबली 

खोजकर्ता जोड़ी का दावा है कि इन वस्तुओं की तकनीकी रूप से उन्नत संरचना और परावर्तक सतहें उनके पीछे उन्नत विज्ञान और इंजीनियरिंग की पुष्टि करती हैं। वे चंद्र पृष्ठभूमि में प्रमुखता से उभरे हुए हैं और सामान्य छवि दोष, चट्टानों, शिलाखंडों, टीलों या उल्कापिंडों के टुकड़ों या रेगोलिथ के ढेरों से आश्चर्यजनक रूप से भिन्न हैं। इस खोज का चंद्र अन्वेषण पर गहरा प्रभाव हो सकता है क्योंकि यह अलौकिक बुद्धिमत्ता, उन्नत जीव रूप या एलियंस या चंद्रमा पर अज्ञात मानव उपनिवेश के संकेत का पहला प्रत्यक्ष दृश्य प्रमाण प्रदान करता है और उनके सटीक स्थान को इंगित करता है ।

इन लेखकों ने पिछले साल प्रतिष्ठित अमेरिकी पत्रिका नेचर एंड साइंस में शेकलटन क्रेटर के किनारे पर चंद्र दक्षिणी ध्रुव के सटीक बिंदु पर एक बहुत बड़ी और तकनीकी रूप से उन्नत संरचना की कई छवियां प्रकाशित की थीं, जिसके बारे में उन्होंने अनुमान लगाया था कि यह एलियंस की कॉलोनी या एक पृथ्वीवासियों के लिए अज्ञात चंद्र आधार है।

Hari and Jag Mohan photo.jpg

जग मोहन सक्सैना (बाँए) और डॉ. हरि मोहन सक्सैना (दाँए) 

Direct visual evidence of alien or human dwelling or Lunar Base on the South Pole of the Moon

            Two space enthusiast brothers from Rajasthan, India have presented the direct visual evidence of presence of aliens or humans on the South Pole of the Moon for the first time in the world. Dr. Hari Mohan Saxena, a retired Professor living in Jaipur and Mr. Jag Mohan Saxena, a retired Bank Officer based in Bikaner have published their latest findings on hitherto unknown alien or human activity on the Moon in the April 2024 issue of the prestigious New York Science Journal published from USA.  

Fig 1 Image with label for print.jpg

Location of the enigmatous structure inside the Shackleton Crater on the Moon.

Fig 2 Location of the generator with names of craters.jpg

Topography of the South Pole region of the Moon where the structure was sighted

Fig 3 AI enhanced image of Transformer  generator.jpeg

The transformer like structure (top) and the generator like object (centre) in the cave on the Moon

            The duo have obtained an extremely rare image of the lunar surface sifting through several thousand kilometres of the vast lunar imagery taken by NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera available in the public domain. The image reveals a strange cylindrical metallic object about 2 – 3 meters long, placed horizontally inside a cave on the South Pole of the Moon. They speculated that it could be an electricity generator. Another structure in the vicinity, located above the cave includes an array of numerous large rectangular metallic frames, roughly 6 x 4 meters in size. They suggest that this could possibly be an electric transformer. The two structures together could possibly be the part of an electricity production unit for supplying electricity to a hidden lunar base or an alien or human colony inside the caves on the South Pole of the Moon. The enigmatic assembly is located towards the periphery inside the Shackleton Crater at the lunar South Pole (Lat.: -89.63068, Lon.: 92.77928).

            The discoverer duo claims that the technologically advanced structure and reflective surfaces of these objects confirm the advanced science and engineering behind them. They prominently stand out in the lunar background and are strikingly different from the common image artefacts, rocks, boulders, mounds or fragments of meteorites or piles of regolith found on the Moon. The finding could have profound implications for the lunar exploration as it pin points the location and provides the first direct visual evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence, signs of advanced living form or aliens or unknown human colonization on the South Pole of the Moon.

            The authors had earlier published in the prestigious US journal Nature and Science last year several images of a very large and technologically advanced structure on the precise point of lunar South Pole at the rim of the Shackleton crater which they speculated to be an alien colony or a lunar base unknown to the Earthlings.

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The discoverers, Jag Mohan Saxena (left) and Dr. Hari Mohan Saxena (right)

I have discovered an enigmatic structure on the Moon which could probably be the first direct evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence on the Moon. It is a large structure adjacent to the Shackleton crater on the South Pole of the Moon which has a remarkable resemblance with the Sri Yantra. The Sri Yantra is placed in houses and religious buildings for prosperity and beneficial effects. If the structure sighted is confirmed to be a Sri Yantra, it could change the history of Lunar exploration as it happens to be an important part of the Indian religion, architecture and philosophy and has been described in the oldest religious text of the world, the Rigveda. Deployment of Sri Yantra on the Moon would mean the earliest attempt of colonization of the Moon by the ancient Indians. Alternatively, it could be a proof of extraterrestrial life and hence the answer to Fermi’s Paradox. It may also be a secret Lunar base of some country.

In a serendipitous discovery, I have discovered an enigmatic structure on the Moon which could probably be the first direct evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence on the Moon. In my research paper published in the March 2023 issue of Nature and Science, an American journal published from New York, I have shown to have discovered a large structure adjacent to the Shackleton crater on the South Pole of the Moon which has a remarkable resemblance with the Sri Yantra. The actual photographs of the structure present on the Moon obtained from the Lunar imagery taken by the camera aboard NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LROC) and available in the public domain have also been presented in the paper.

The Sri Yantra is a very special geometrical device considered to be an essential part of Vaastu Shastra having powerful positive effects through the cosmic energy it attracts and the negativity it repels. The Sri Yantra is placed in houses and religious buildings for prosperity and beneficial effects. If the structure sighted by me on the Lunar surface is confirmed to be a Sri Yantra, it could change the history of Lunar exploration as it happens to be an important part of the Indian religion, architecture and philosophy and has been described in the oldest religious text of the world, the Rigveda. Deployment of Sri Yantra on the Moon would mean the earliest attempt of colonization of the Moon by the ancient Indians.

Dr. Saxena is a retired Professor of Immunology from Ludhiana and has earlier served as Dean Postgraduate Studies at Patna and Scientific Advisor in the Indian Embassy in Russia. He has attended the first International Space Training Program organized jointly by the International Space University and NASA at MIT in USA where he worked on an International Lunar Base Design Project. Dr. Saxena had earlier discovered the lost Indian Lunar Lander Vikram and Rover Pragyan on the Moon jointly with his brother Jag Mohan Saxena, a retired Banker, challenging the NASA supported widely publicized claim of destruction of the ill fated Lander. The space enthusiast duo had published their findings on the Lander and Rover along with photographs showing both the Lander and the Rover intact as well as functional.

Fig. 8. Sri Yantra like shape of the mystery object on the Moon.jpgFig. 9. Diagrammatic representation of a Sri Yantra.jpgFig. 5 Close up of the mysterious object.jpgFig. 7b. A 3D view of Sri Yantra like structure with precise slits on sharp edged metallic blades.jpg