Botanical Latin, to English
Translation - REQUESTS
I found someone!See: Mark Garland profile at Research Cooperative.Mark - thanks very much for your help.
Colocasia is the plant I study. The Latin name is actually an old Italian vernacular name based on the Greek vernacular, kolokasi, which can be traced back through Arabic qolqas to Sanskrit. The plant is apparently also mentioned in very old Hebrew writings, but I have not followed that line of enquiry yet, and have no record of the Hebrew form of the name.P.
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Dear David,
Thanks for remarking on this. Part of the problem may lie in the fact that illustration seems to be regarded as an afterthought or secondary priority in most research publishing. Personally I believe that a large proportion of research papers are under-illustrated or poorly illustrated. Perhaps part of the blame lies in a lack of guidance from journals on the matter.
In the past, illustration was more expensive, due to the expensive printing processes required. Now, even for print editions, the costs are much lower than previously, but there remains a kind of cultural hangover that resists using illustration unless 'absolutely required', even though much of the text that we write is also not 'absolutely required'.