marisen mwale

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Location: lilongwe malawi
Work: Lecturer in Psychology [Mzuzu University] Researcher on HIV prevention and mitigation with specialty in Adolescent sexuality and Reproductive health as well as treatment remedies.
Biographical: mobile - + [265] 0999 245 017 Mzuzu Univerity, P Bag 201, Luwinga, Mzuzu, Malawi. Working language- English
Favourite Publications: Psychology and Developing Societies Nordic Journal of African Studies South African Journal of PSYCHOLOGY Social scince and Medicine South African Medical Journal African Journal of AIDS Research

#StatusMarginalization Social Theory: Case of Democracy not ideal for Utra-Poor Nations. Social Theory- By- Marisen Mwale The premise or logic behind this #Theory is that In Developing and specifically in Ultra-Poor Developing nations #Democracy is not an #ideal political philosophy but rather its governance tenets and principles are. Political tenets, principles and the social fabric that democracy accords: economic liberalization, capitalism, privatization, and among others survival of the fittest in individual economic terms in such nations may not be in the best interest of a majority of the populations. Such a premise unfolds were there as a resultant of Democracy as opposed to Socialism no deliberate policies in welfare terms to bridge the inequity and inequality gaps between the majority poor often a product of Democratic tenets and principles and a minority elite often a product of skewed educational and social systems curtesy of Democracy. This situation of no deliberate policies of poverty reduction, job creation and equality of opportunity which is compounded by democratic capitalist principles often in antithesis or against state ownership of industries, welfare subsidies in agriculture or even deliberate policies to empower the productive population with opportunities for vocational skills through government sponsored self reliance may create a state of what some have labeled status discontentment against conventional values. My argument or thesis is that status discontentment culminates in status marginalization of the minority elite population often spiraling to Revolution or War against such. I therefore introduce in line with that premise the construct status marginalization. My main logical argument for constructing the phenomena or social reality being the hypothesis that a disillusioned destitute majority often a product of misplaced Democracy may be adept to status discontentment against a minority elite population also a product of misplaced democratic tenets and principles in ultra-poor developing nations. That disillusionment can breed social Revolution against a minority elite by the majority destitute. That social revolution exhibited in violence, crime, and acrimony against such an elite that may often times be irrationally misplaced I choose to denote Status Marginalization of the minority elite. Why? Rationale being in Democratic terms the opportunity accorded every other person in a population the potential or probability if we are to be mathematical, the opportunity to express themselves through talent, inclinations, and opportunities even in trajectory to the Top which in essence is often defeated. What Charles Darwin denoted survival of the fittest unfolds instead, contrary to what in Democratic terms is denoted equality of opportunity. Often than not that level grounds for a majority of the population to express themselves and unveil their diverse talents does not avail itself in ultra-poor developing nations due to inequity and inequality, gender disparities, and poverty induced lack of opportunity. Poor majorities therefore find themselves in Third rate schools, Third rate Community colleges and Third rate jobs like in agriculture, construction and mining, primary school teaching, the police service, and petty laborer jobs if they that is get themselves an employment or education at all. The end resultant is creation of cycles of poverty that often go for generations in families and communities, with such majority communities being subjected to abuses and breach of rights and freedoms and of course being irrationally labeled a poor miserable lot. The blame obviously is normally directed when opportunity avails itself on the minority elite in social Revolution and of course on State or Government. Hence Status Marginalization theory or Social reality.... But and I choose to qualify But....the main question remains - Is Democracy really ideal for Ultra-Poor developing nations? Does Democracy accord the same equality of opportunity as in Developed nations to Ultra-Poor populations? Without precluding the merits of Democratic political ideology or philosophy in governance, human rights and freedoms and of course equality of opportunity per se though this last tenet is more a matter of lip service than practicality in a majority of nations albeit even Developed, I choose to falter Democracy for a majority of vices and ills including social and economic Revolutions in ultra-poor nations. Notions of Democracy are unequivocally indispensable and in our contemporary times the best option for all nations. But and I qualify But.....for ultra - poor nations democratic socialism or democracy ice coated with socialism is the ideal if we are to militate against Status Marginalization of minority elite populations as a social phenomena or social reality in such ultra-poor developing nations. Those are the premises and logic for coining the social construct or social reality Status Marginalization in Social Theory or rather in Critical Theory. BY MARISEN MWALE (#MarisenMwale is an academician and civil rights activist in Malawi)

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He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature. [SOCRATES]

Envy creates silent enemies. [ROBERT GREEN- 48 Laws of Power]

In one of his ingenious philosophical postulations the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle conceptualized the principle of The Golden mean which hinges on the thesis of being principled, cultured and doing everything in moderation no excesses, no indulgences on the one hand and no stoicism and modicum on the other. Contrary to that thesis another existential philosophical school of thought posited by Hedon and Epicurus denoted The Pleasure Principle presupposes the pursuit of happiness and pleasure as the sole prerogative of man and his existence. This latter postulate depicts man as hedonistic, carefree, unprincipled, uncultured and as exhibiting a lesser-faire carefree attitude toward life and existence.

The question that readers may pose or find themselves reflecting upon maybe where this apparently unorthodox reminiscing about Ancient Greek philosophy may lead us in our analysis of contemporary African Political philosophy in general and the Malawian Political economy in particular. It is however pertinent to reiterate before hand that at the individual level principled and cultured societies display some streak of contentment with what they have whether they be privileged or deprived. On the other hand unprincipled and uncultured or hedonistic societies possibly as a resultant of their lesser-faire attitude toward life and existence are amenable to display a mindset of discontentment with what they have whether they be privileged or not. They yearn or desire for more display coversion, conceit and such other vices as are peculiar to social discontentment. Malice, envy, coversion, conceit are commonplace vices typical of uncultured or unprincipled communities otherwise principled communities work hard for their success and prosperity and contentment is always a virtue. Among members of such communities a spirit of goodwill abounds with jealousy being just a myth since everybody knows they share the same sacred potential to succeed. If some members of such communities were by any streak of fate or otherwise unfortunate not to succeed as they might have as well wished they harbor no recrimination or ill will toward their neighbor who might be more fortunate. Basically they exhibit satisfaction and contentment with what they have and such is their virtue. They are principled and cultured and such is their byword.

Malawians have since time immemorial been associated with the attitude of hardwork and patriotism. They have been renowned to be principled and cultured and such has been their landmark and brand everywhere they went across the globe to render whatever service they were called upon personal, national or otherwise. Over the years however that spirit has been waning and the degeneration from such was more pronounced during the 10 year regime of the UDF possibly due to the advent of democracy. Whether democracy is not the ideal political ideology for a traditionally communal Africa in general or Malawi in particular is controversial and subject to debate. Whether democracy has been misconstrued or abused or is rather more complex a political philosophy for the African context is yet another puzzle. The bottomline however remains that the principled, cultured, hardworking and patriotic spirit of unbridled dedication to service and the country that was hitherto endemic to Malawi before the advent of democracy is being gradually replaced by a carefree, lesser-faire, unprincipled, uncultured and unpatriotic mindset with negative ramifications to our nationhood and solidarity. This lesser-faire attitude that is gradually creeping into our nation has crippled and corrupted our public service. The whole government machinery is rather compromised by a mindset of laxity and that attitude is slowly trickling to other sectors of the economy. As the saying goes the center no longer holds and things are falling apart. The whole is in essence greater than the sum of its parts and such a mindset is rendering the whole political and government system decript. The psychology of our people and their philosophy of life is gradually changing and is being modeled toward laxity and a carefree mentality.

The argument being postulated is that rather than reflecting upon what they could contribute to their country the majority of our people due to that lesser-faire attitude are now reflecting upon what they could possibly benefit from the nation. On a statistical basis the majority are rather querying about what the country would do for them rather than what they could do for the country in their daily reflections and obviously given a choice of what they consider expedient and supreme they would rather uphold the former. It would be unequivocal to speculate that it is that unpatriotic lesser-faire mindset of expecting to benefit too much from the country rather than rendering unbridled contribution and service that has seen our economy collapse and backtrack over the years. People in public service are no longer expending their best of contribution a scenario that has culminated in a crippled, uncultured and corrupted public service. The majority of our people given an opportunity would want to reap the most hay they could while the sun still shines to circumvent whatever future fears in all domains- political, public, private or otherwise- at the expense of their pride for the country and in so doing the whole system has been doomed and corrupted. The essential point to be taken note of, in this context, is that the short-sighted, myopic and hedonistic attitude of the here and now of expecting to benefit the most from the country by hook or by crook per se has worn a mindset of patience and the hardworking spirit and patriotic mentality of our people is gradually being compromised and corruption has taken precedence over patriotism and dedication. People are therefore resigned and have begun to live for the short-term without foresight. We need however not lose sight of the fact that when the majority from the centre to the grassroots are determined and dedicated to excellent service, success comes willy-nilly and naturally not only for the individual but the entire nation. On the other hand when the majority of the citizenry lose focus, direction and dedication and patriotism is replaced by selfish self-centered attitudes that same spirit transfers to the entire nation with negative implications on the countrys development economic, political, social or otherwise. That lack of dedication, that carefree lesser-faire mentality of mediocrity vis--vis commitment to excellence, that lack of solidarity, unity and patriotism has of late seen this country bounce in and out of economic prosperity. We have blatantly run short of consistency having nipped hardwork and commitment to excellence and dedication in its bud.

The fundamental argument remains therefore that the lesser-faire attitude has far-reaching consequences that cut-across all domains. In particular the attitude lends grave negative externalities in the socio-economic landscape by widening the gap between the haves and have nots. This is arguably the case because most people including the underprivileged lose their modeling toward excellence and dedication and therefore their commitment to a successful livelihood. The carefree attitude further lends itself as a recipe for status discontentment among those who consider themselves less fortunate with negative ramification for the entire community as already alluded to in the preamble to this discourse. Malice, coversion, envy, crime and such other social ills and vices as alcoholism, gambling, prostitution incidentally become rampant and the whole social fabric becomes corrupted.

When success, determination, commitment to excellence and patriotism are a communal norm and everybody found it imperative upon themselves to serve their nation with pride, such social vices as have been alluded to become minimal. The majority of people even at grassroots are rendered adept to hardwork and success and are contented with what they have and the gap between the haves and have nots is not so pronounced psychologically or otherwise. The question in our case may not necessarily be about being rich or poor, privileged or underprivileged but rather that of attitude. A carefree and lesser-faire attitude breeds and is an obvious recipe for status discontentment and depravity as the majority of people may not be willing to expend their best of effort to avail themselves from whatever destitute situation they may be wallowing in yet they wait upon others or government to do that for them. Contrary to that an attitude of determination breeds a spirit of hardwork where people are willing to avail themselves and whatever help is afforded by government or otherwise just complements that hardworking mentality.

In his infamous pronouncements that were rather belittled and rendered unorthodox by most Malawians who consider themselves civilized, late president Professor Bingu wa Mtharika alluded to Malawi as a nation as not being poor but the mindset of the Malawian people as the Achilles heel. This analogy sums up the argument being posited in this current discourse.

The postulation that it is the carefree, lesser-faire, self-defeating attitude akin to poverty and depravity that we need to battle against and replace once more with our normative hardworking spirit of patriotism and commitment to excellence and unbridled service to the nation if we are to salvage ourselves from our economic woes and challenges. That unique spirit which rendered Malawi a bread basket and fueled economic prosperity needs to be revived otherwise we risk degenerating into a pauper-pariah nation whose majority of people are lax and just wait upon government hand-outs for their livelihood - a resigned pessimistic people without direction and focus who will be forever drifting aimlessly, lacking integrity, having lost all hope and their sense of nationhood and pride.

Patriotism is the bottomline and it needs be imperative upon all with leaders and their immediate subordinates similarly willing to render their all with character, virtue, decorum, example and dedication at all times through good or bad, without paying lip service and wanting of double standards. Everyone would as such tolerate and traverse bad times such as are the current economic down-turns with patience and dignity. Austerity measures at such times need not only apply to the common ordinary masses while those at the helm of leadership are partying overtly otherwise the masses and some naysayers cry foul, feel betrayed, resentful and bitter. Naysayers capitalize and take advantage of such weakness and arrogance to instill and fuel chaos and revolution against the regime.



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It has become one of the major political science paradoxes of Africa that a majority of nation states and/or their leaders in sub-Saharan Africa purport to be democratic or to espouse the principles and tenets of democracy yet struggle to live up to the standards of democratization. The question that crops to mind with regards to this irony might be why such has been the case despite decades of post independence Western ideological exposure and institutional transfer between the West and Africa. Is it a question of deliberate sidelining of democratic principles or tenets thereof by the nation states and their leaders or is it a question of their apparent failure to appreciate and come to terms with the ideology, philosophy or cultural facet that is inadvertently alien or rather ambiguous to them. It is the object of this appraisal to endeavor to explore albeit through conjecture one philosophical perspective to such deep-rooted paradox.

The premise on which l chose to base my argument is that Democracy for the West and Westerners is rather cultural, ahistoric and a product of Western heritage and civilization. The association of democracy with ancient Greek civilization is unequivocal. It is pertinent however to highlight that the western democratic heritage shares little in common with the African or more precisely the sub-Saharan African cultural heritage. Western civilization has little in common with African civilization although that does not preclude the potential for ideological, cultural and institutional exchange within the prefix of acculturation and globalization. It is also presumed in this appraisal that democracy as an ideology has a lot in common analogically with western cultural products like hip-hop or other forms of the popular culture in that western democracy is construed as rather a philosophy of life, an attitude, a mindset or more precisely a lifestyle. With that as backdrop the author endeavors to drive home the viewpoint that the African democratic paradox imbued with failure by nation states and their leaders to come to terms with democratic principles is grounded on challenges to appreciate a lifestyle or culture that rather contradicts the historical norms, ideologies and values of African culture. The point is that a majority of Western states and westerners experience democracy as a lifestyle or culture and therefore have the inherent potential to exhibit or portray democratic norms and values naturally because they are culturally socialized into such. Democracy for them is their way of life and due of they do not strive or struggle from a practical and pragmatic perspective to practice or live democracy.

Westerners and their leaders live by epithets of freedom, they live and practice liberty, they live accountability, they live transparency, they live with and uphold human rights naturally and without much ado. Upholding democratic principles, tenets, norms and values for a majority of western nation states contrary to the African experience is not a matter of paying pointless lip-service, emulation or double standards to the principles and tenets of democracy. Tenets of democracy like freedom, liberty, good governance, corrupt free leadership, accountability, transparency and upholding human rights are a matter of attitude a philosophy of life. Democracy for western nation states and their leaders is therefore not just a fancy political ideology, social construction, representation or social phenomenon. Democracy for the west is a lifestyle and a cultural attitude that has historical roots in western civilization. For a majority of sub-Saharan African nation states and leaders it becomes problematic to live up to the expectations and standards of democratization because of their variant political values and norms relative to the western norms and values. With respect to cultural orientation a majority of westerners are individualistic hence their obsessions with individual freedoms and liberties for instance. Contrary to that a majority of sub-Saharan African states are communalistic in orientation and the individual is considered with respect to the wider society or community to which he/she pays allegiance or is held responsible and accountable. Individual liberties and freedoms are therefore not construed as paramount for the communal nation states yet they are the foundations upon which democracy as a socio-cultural institution is hinged.

Espousing democratic principles, norms and values therefore becomes a dilemma for the majority of sub-Saharan leaders between their communal socialization and the expectations and standards of democratization. To abide by a philosophy and subscribe to its tenets and principles entails more than just blind allegiance or subservience. It demands that one have a comprehensive and deep-rooted appreciation of such a philosophy, its origins and even its pros and cons. The fact that most African leaders and their respective nation states are still struggling or rather failing to come to terms with democratic principles as manifested by the gravity of strife, corruption, human rights violations and infractions of basic laws and liberties underscores the fact that the African Democratic paradox herewith having been appraised might have its foundations in the failure of these nation states and their leaders to grapple with an ambiguous lifestyle or culture that they cannot understand or appreciate. In the guise of brotherhood, global solidarity, unity, peace and co-existence it remains paramount that the west continues with its cultural exchanges and institutional transfers targeting leaders and especially the young generation of leaders if democracy is to be espoused and upheld not only as a political institution or ideology but rather as a culture or philosophy of life a lifestyle.


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Malawi as a nation is wallowing in economic dire-straits and is in a crisis situation that needs ingenious and judicious policy reform to avail itself. The IMF and the international community of western donors have injected their infamous so called recovery bitter pills but the million dollar question that crops to mind when we reflect upon our situation remains whether such structural adjustment proposal bring us any glimmer of hope to economic recovery not only in the short term but even in the medium and long run. When we project into the future do we see our nation prospering once more in economic terms or are we forever trapped in a vicious cycle of causation and poverty. Developmentally are we really forging ahead or rather backtracking and retrogressing? Where actually do we forecast our economic growth within the next 10 or 20 years? What policy direction in developmental terms do we really need to realize our breakthrough to sustainable growth and economic self-reliance? When we sit back and reflect do we see the IMF structural programmes translating into sustainable economic development and tangible progress?

The bottomline is rather that the IMF policies might not really be a deliberate ploy to keep Malawi and other developing economies underdeveloped but the fact remains that the structural programmes as advocated by the fiscal body and its partners may be drawing us deeper down the abyss of economic deprivation and western donor dependency. The programmes rather keep us skirting around the same economic problems and challenges in a vicious cycle of perpetual causation. It is however not the purpose of this analysis to debate discarding or sidelining western reliance since the west has been our godmother and traditional donor since time immemorial. The gist of this postulation is rather that it might make more prudent economic and developmental sense to turn our focus east toward such economies as China and Japan and to model our developmental reforms toward such if sustainable economic progress is to be our goal and sole prerogative. The fact remains that modicum short term injection packages of economic reform and growth as are typical of the IMF programmes do not necessarily translate into sustainable economic progress. I strongly do believe that we have more to benefit and learn from the eastern economies than from the west. Further to that, traditionally we rather share the same political and economic ideologies and philosophies such as are locally developed networks and socially based traditional communal philosophies that have seen most eastern economies avail themselves from the pangs and syndrome of western donor aid and dependency.

It is rather paradoxical to note that in most of our African political economy, the state has since been utilized as an instrument of exploitation, repression and oppression by classes modeled toward the western bourgeois with the system of law, justice and the economy originally bound up in such precedence. Whatever resources are at the states disposal economic, jural, political, social or otherwise have been perennially utilized by such bourgeois classes to keep themselves in power by hook or crook. Such scenario are rather peculiar to and reflective of an earlier stage in western civilization and economic development that has since been transferred to and has found its roots and nurturance in Africa and other developing economies possibly as a resultant of earlier colonization and subservience to metropolitan states. It has been alluded to somewhere that such political ideology was hitherto inclined toward the subjugation of the inferior classes and the masses to basically bolster control over the developing economies in general and Africa in particular. It might not be an overstatement therefore to further speculate that such political guise has been perpertually maintained and fostered in ways discreet or otherwise to burgeon Neo-colonialism.

Given such a political, social and economic landscape the question that we might pose further is as to what our judicious solution would be to such ploy overt or otherwise to salvage our developing economies from perpetual subjugation and repression. Do we need gradual reforms in our development philosophies or rather reactive cataclysmic and dramatic sweeping policy realignment? Whatever approach we adopt we need to bear in mind that it is expedient upon us to have a panoramic or bifocal view of where we are going.

Without this foresight we lack viable resolve for economic recovery, no roadmap to competitive advantage vis--vis our neighbors, no game plan for improving upon the welfare of our destitute and most vulnerable citizenry and least of all prescriptions for achieving sustainable economic progress. There is urgent need to chart prudent and tenable long-term pathway to follow that is locally friendly and sustainable and in tandem with our developmental needs and level of economic development. I do not think that we need one-fits-all prescriptions such as are dictated upon us by such fiscal bodies as the IMF and are not specifically designed for and tailor-made for our unique situations. We need not be tamed to drift aimlessly but rather there is need for locally designed developmental beacons or blueprint that suit our immediate circumstances and developmental level not only in the short run but such as are future oriented. It needs further be appreciated that considering the economic plights currently afflicting the nation it is not an option but an imperative that we craft stringent mitigation economic measures to avail ourselves. What immediate locally viable prescriptions then do we propose for Malawi? The most expedient and pertinent leeway to economic recovery even in our skepticism but with due respect to the IMF boss Christine Laggarde would be to increase our export base and thus mitigate the negative misalignment vis--vis our import base. That however cannot be achieved piecemeal or overnight but it is a mountain that we can surmount with prudent forecasting and planning. It is rather unequivocal to appreciate that our economy has been dominantly agro-based for a period too long and it is high time we seriously considered diversification into such sectors as mining and tourism.

Fundamental to the thesis is the pertinent need to realize that we cannot rule out the fact that our immediate short-term prescriptions might not overrule the need to stringently realign our agricultural sector whose sustainable role as the backbone of our economy we cannot underestimate. The question we might pose further is as to how we could go about realigning our agricultural sector. The most prudent alternative would be to consider stringent commercialization and mechanization of the sector. We could for instance redevelop the schemes that used to flourish during the Kamuzu era. We could work the schemes all year round through rain-fed and irrigation mechanisms. There is a pool of under-employed and unemployed youth who are idling all over our cities and rural areas some of whom have invaluable skill in engineering and other vocational skills having gone through TEVET or other such programmes yet they have nothing tangible to do or are involved in insignificant piecework that does not directly benefit the nation. Such a pool of youthful underemployed and unemployed laborforce could be tapped to man these schemes. Such commercialization can also gradually trickle down to the generic small scale small-holder rural agricultural areas where we could improve upon our traditional techniques and tools to maximize production on these small scale pieces of arable land. It is worthy noting at this juncture that an economic model driven by the agricultural sector is not only sustainable but ecologically viable since it is grounded on progress that realigns economic activities and consumption with ecological realities. Further the lake and the vast array of perennial river networks across the nation which by all standards have hitherto not really been utilized to spearhead the agricultural sector may be taken advantage of for perennial year round irrigational commercial purposes.

Schemes such as were in the nature during the Kamuzu regimes young pioneers could be re-introduced but this time around with no emphasis on militancy but rather skills development and economic progress. It is the gist of this proposal that rather than abusing the youth politically, they could be utilized to positively and directly contribute toward the development of our ailing economy. Such large scale agro-based commercialization through what late president Professor Bingu wa Mtharika dabbed the Green belt initiative is achievable and it could be done best not only by integrating the under-employed and idling unemployed skilled and unskilled youth who are gradually being transformed into militia by greedy and unscrupulous political zealots but as well taking advantage of the irrigational potential of the lake and perennial vast river systems.

Further by gradually trickling down such commercialization and mechanization of production to rural areas with prospective aid from our partners from the east China and Japan- we could eventually scale down on the subsidy fertilizer programme that has been unprecedentedly unpopular with our western donors and alternatively scale up on an agricultural input revolving fund and credit facility targeting the pool of generic small-holder farmers. Such policy reform and direction has been self-sufficient and sustainable before and could be easily supported by the western donor community due to its fiscal viability and sustainability. To strengthen such an initiative and improve upon its credibility our small-holder farmers could be integrated into co-operatives as was the case during the Kamuzu era.

Through these co-operatives we could gradually scale up production by means of commercialization and mechanization hence increasing returns on the small holder pieces of arable land. Agricultural equipment and machinery such as the tractor and combine harvester and such other locally appropriate technologies as may be necessary could be placed in centers akin to the rural growth centers directly accessible to the co-operatives. These centers could be distributed across the nation and act as access points from whence our co-operatives could rent and utilize the machinery. The maximization of production that could emanate from such initiative could lend feasible credence and accord credibility to the one village one product [OVOP] Japanese experimental project. The Japanese OVOP initiative per se could be incorporated into this complex integrated commercialized rural development agenda to add value to the products in the agro-schemes and rural co-operatives before the output could be exported. That could afford such agro-products competitive advantage on the international market. The pool of our under-employed skilled youth could be utilized to man and run these proposed OVOP agro-industries. It might as well be emphasized that the TEVET vocational training curriculum could be revisited and tailor made to target and suit such policy initiative and any other diversification direction the country might be moving toward such as expediting the mining sector.

The whole proposed endeavor will not only ease and stabilize our economy in the short and medium term, boost food security once more, mitigate the rampant unemployment, curb rural-urban migration but above all else instill positive externalities toward curtailing and eradicating gigantic social ills in the guise of pauperism, disease due to malnutrition, and ameliorate the perpetual starvation of the majority of our rural masses. Not only that, vices typical of status discontentment and economic asperities and inequality such as crime, prostitution, gambling and such other negative externalities could be curtailed. We could also curb the hand-out syndrome and over-dependency on the government and the western donor community to sustain rural livelihoods. By affording such help through practicable opportunities of self-improvement for all regardless of whatever disparities social, economic, political or otherwise- such humble initiative would go a long way in healing the wounds of economic affliction the country is currently experiencing, in stabilizing the balance of payment and above all else in revitalizing our agricultural sector which has since been neglected and underutilized. The pool of underemployed skilled youth could further be integrated into infrastructural development in these schemes by working on the rejoinder roads and refurbishing the factory buildings and machinery to promote the OVOP initiative not forgetting structures for the mining sector whose potential for growth in Malawi cannot be underestimated or overlooked. The proposal might be a dream far-fetched but the recovery addendum might be our ultimate pis-aller in the road toward economic recovery, stability and self-reliance. It is pertinent to not only appreciate that resigned pessimism will not avail matters but above all else that there is always cause for optimism for our esteemed developing nation.

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The model conceptualizes four statuses or categories of moral maturity. Statuse one which is the most mature statuse includes persons who are both morally wise and morally intelligent. Statuse two includes those who are morally wise but not morally intelligent. Statuse three includes those who are morally intelligent but not morally wise. Statuse four which is the least mature statuse includes those who are neither morally intelligent nor morally wise.


The morally wise and morally intelligent

This is the most mature statuse equivalent in orientation to Kohlbergs Post conventional morality. The persons elicit an inner locus of evaluation when making judgements. They are in touch with their organismic valuing process and are fully functioning persons who are prone to self actualize. There is a congruency between their moral reasoning/thought/judgement and their moral behaviour/actions. They display no cognitive dissonance neither are they adept to introjected behavioural traits. They are fully themselves and they are not affected by external valuing processes.


The morally wise but not morally intelligent

This category ranks second in moral maturity. Although there might be no contingency between moral thought and moral behaviour in these persons they display higher levels of moral behaviour which may not be consistent with their lower level of cognitive development. This is the category of those who display wisdom especially in primitive societies where there is no formal education. Given Kohlberg like dilemmas, they may be categorized as displaying lower levels of moral reasoning possibly due to their cognitive maturity but when it comes to their actions or behaviours, they display higher levels of moral maturity. This is the category of the wise, the sages in primitive societies who display higher levels of UBUNTHU in Afro-Malawian psychological terminology.


The morally intelligent but not morally wise

This statuse by virtue of its wanting in wisdom is ranked lower than the second statuse. In characteristics persons in this category display no contingency between moral reasoning or judgement and moral behaviour or actions. They display higher levels of cognitive development and reasoning and may elicit abstract thought processing akin to Piagets formal operations but when it comes to moral behaviour there is a substantial inconsistency. Their behaviour is not contingent with their level of cognition. These may be denoted intelligent fools. There is often cognitive dissonance or a weak link between their moral thought processes and subsequent moral behaviour. This is the category that is adept to risk taking behaviours and personal fables indulging in alcoholism, promiscuity, drug abuse and such other negative behaviours irrespective of their grounded knowledge of the plausible dangers of such. The category may include medical doctors who irrespective of their professional training may still be heavy smokers or alcoholics or may indulge in unprotected multiple and concurrent sexual debuts contrary to their training and exposure to the dangers of such conduct. The category may also include lawyers or legal practitioners who are caught up in criminal behaviors contrary to their professional training. The persons in this category may elicit introjected personalities and poor valuing processes and may not be their full authentic selves.


The not morally intelligent and not morally wise

This is the least mature statuse. The category of the amoral. The persons elicit no streak of moral reasoning or moral wisdom. This is the category that lacks the psychological phenomena of UBUNTHU in Afro-Malawian psychology. They may not only be intellectually challenged and daft but also morally inept and remorseless. They are adept to criminality because of their moral disposition. In Kohlbergs conceptualization, they may elicit the egoism and hedonism typical of pre-conventional morality. The love for pleasure and the here and now orientation/philosophy predisposes them to criminal behaviour.



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ORIGINS OF HIV:THE MAKING AND UNMAKINGOFUNORTHODOX CONSPIRACY THEORIESThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus [virus that causes AIDS] belongs to the large family of RNA viruses. The exact origins of HIV will never be completely elicited. There are however certain facts that have led to more or less general agreement among scientists as to the source of this epidemic. It is plausible to conclude that HIV is a pathogen new to the human race, the first documented cases of what is now known to have been HIV-1 infection in humans occurring in Central Africa in 1959. According to Robert Gallo and other theorists in what has come to be known as the Green Monkey Theory HIV infection of humans probably resulted from a non-pathogenic, sub-human primate retrovirus, which made a species jump from African monkeys and chimpanzees to humans. There is widespread evidence that many old world primates in sub-Saharan Africa, e.g., chimpanzees, mandrills, sooty mangabeys and African green monkeys, have been infected with retroviruses similar to HIV for thousands of years, although they are non-pathogenic and do not cause disease in these animals. The viruses are referred to as simian immunodeficiency viruses [SIV]. They have the same complex genomic structure as HIV, share 40-50% homology [genomic similarity] with HIV and infect T-lymphocytes through the CD4+ cell-surface receptor, just as HIV does.It is probable that these retroviruses are the progenitor viruses from which HIV either mutated or recombined into the human population. Humans may have been exposed to these viruses as a result of killing and butchering monkeys. In doing so, blood from an SIV-infected non-human primate could have infected human through non-intact skin on the hands. Once SIV had gained entry to the human body, it found it could thrive in what was, after all, simply a closely related primate species. The concept of cross-species transmission, i.e., a zoonosis, refers to any disease or infection that may be transmitted between animals and humans under natural conditions. Several other infectious diseases of humans have a zoonotic origin, e.g., tuberculosis, rabies, brucellosis, Lassa fever and various tropical hemorrhagic fevers. The species leap may have occurred, from time to time, for many hundreds of years. However, HIV infection [and subsequent disease] remained episodic. Because of the rural [village] lifestyle, short life span and restriction of the number of different sexual partners in the past, the infection was not widely transmitted to other humans and remained localized to the village. Several factors conspired to change this episodic infection, first to an epidemic and then to a pandemic infection, including; the migration of rural populations into cities, changes in sexual behavior leading to more frequent changes in sexual partners, improved road, rail as well as air travel routes and international travel. In addition, increasing reliance on non-barrier forms of contraception, i.e., the pill, and injecting drug use also hastened the spread of HIV infection.There is no evidence to support the theory painstakingly elaborated by journalist Edward Hooper that oral polio vaccines used in Africa during the 1960s and 1970s had been accidentally contaminated during manufacture with the chimpanzee strain of SIV and other simian tissues used as culture medium and may have contributed to the rapid spread of human HIV infection in Africa. There is also no evidence for other conspiracy theories as that HIV was accidentally cultured as part of other clinical research in other words chance occurrence possibly in cancer research. There is neither evidence that HIV was deliberately cultured as a biological warfare experimental virus at the US Armys bio-warfare department at Ft Detrick, Maryland or by the German biological warfare all the way back to the Nazi dominance or in the Russian secret services deliberate use of destructive viruses.Other bizarre theories for the origins of HIV/AIDS as hypothesized by Edward Hooper allude to ex caelo origins [from the skies]. The tail of the comet theory elucidates that the viral material responsible for AIDS was carried in the tail gases of a comet passing close to the earth and that this material was deposited, subsequently infecting nearby people. Another such orthodox based theory stipulates that Gods wrath is responsible for the plague due to the sins of this generation. Wherever the virus emanated from, the bottom-line however remains that AIDS is here with us and we need to delve into mechanisms of not only containing the pandemic but researching a cure and possibly a vaccine all of which still remain a toll order.BY MARISEN MWALE: FELLOW/MACRO
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VCT EFFICACY VIZ OTHER PREVENTATIVE STRATEGIES:LESSONS FOR POLICY-FROM A SYSTEMS APPROACHMost high prevalence sub-Saharan African countries- Malawi inclusive- tend to over-emphasize abstinence, fidelity and condom use as major preventative measures vis--vis the AIDS pandemic. Studies of behavior change that focus exclusively on the two measures of most interest to the prevention community- condom use and fidelity [faithfulness] or chastity [abstinence]- however bias examinations of behaviour change downward by ignoring other effective ways of limiting the epidemic. The prevailing debate over provider initiated testing in Malawi may depict a shift toward HIV testing and counseling in AIDS prevention. Not only that, the rejection of the National AIDS Commissions proposal over counterproductive policy emphasis and neglect of efficacious strategies may depict the need for stringency in our AIDS prevention bid. The object of this short analysis is not to taut VCT as superior to other preventative strategies but rather to depict its central role in AIDS prevention. If we were to construe AIDS prevention from the systems approach with each preventative strategy considered as interconnected to other dissimilar strategies, I beg to vouchsafe how VCT could be perceived as the hub of the preventative system.Based on empirically validated findings first, VCT has been shown to lead to safe sexual behaviors and increased condom use, thus preventing further spread of the disease [Vidanapathirana et. al, 2007]. Systematic review on the impact of VCT on risk behavior in developing countries reflects increased condom use. Second, VCT has been shown to be useful in targeting persons at high risk because risky behaviors are positively associated with the decision to take the HIV test [Miller, 1996]. A small Qualitative study conducted at MACRO empirically validates the observation. In focus group discussions conducted with three women groups with the objective of delineating facilitators and barriers to female uptake of VCT, it was universally alluded to that the VCT uptake rate among men may be higher because most men patronize HTC services to vilify themselves in face of their risky sexual debuts.Third, research findings have documented how couple counseling could result in trust and faithfulness between partners reinforcing intimacy and fidelity thus preventing the overall spread of HIV/AIDS and curtailing multiple and concurrent partnerships. The FGD referenced above also validated how couple counseling and testing could be a precursor to positive living as well as a means of limiting transmission of HIV to ones partner in cases of sero-discordancy but only when all partners were aware of their serostatus since ignorance was shown to exponentially perpetrate the opposite trend. Forth, among the youth VCT has been proven to reinforce not only primary but above all else secondary abstinence. Youth tend to limit the number of their sexual partners and further indulge in safer sexual behaviors. Philosophies that are being promoted in AIDS prevention and whose efficacy has been verified in the name of Zero Grazing in Uganda- adopted as One Love in Malawi- have been reinforced where the youth know their sero-status through VCT.From a systems approach, it is thus evident that condom use, fidelity [faithfulness], as well as abstinence [chastity] could be expedited and rendered more efficacious by scaling up and promoting VCT. The challenge however remains how programmes could be integrative in approach and emphasize the connectedness of the preventative strategies. In the absence of an efficacious vaccine and cure for HIV and AIDS, emphasizing on stringent mitigative strategies remains the window of hope in our desperate war against the HIV/AIDS pandemic not only in Malawi but sub-Saharan Africa in general.BY MARISEN MWALE- FELLOW/MACRO
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The theory of relativity belongs to the class of principle theories. As such it employs an analytic method. This means that the elements which comprise this theory are not based on hypothesis but on empirical discovery. The empirical discovery leads to understanding the general characteristics of natural processes. Mathematical models are then developed which separate the natural processes into theoretical-mathematical descriptions. Therefore, by analytical means the necessary conditions that have to be satisfied are deduced. Separate events must satisfy these conditions. Experience should then match the conditions. The special theory of relativity and general theory of relativity are connected.

On Einsteins theory of relativity- Wikipedia


Clinical applications

  • Psoriasis
  • Wounds
  • Shingles
  • First degree and second degree burns
  • Acne
  • Diabetes- improves blood glucose/stabilizes sugar levels
  • Hyperlipdemia- lowers blood lipids
  • Hepatitis
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Immunostimulant- aiding in fighting cancer/limits tumor growth and metastasis particularly in lung cancer
  • Improves circulation
  • Hypertension- lowers blood pressure
  • Reduction in joint inflammation, arthritis, rheumatism
  • Laxative- improves peristalsis thus fights constipation
  • Lessens the symptoms of heartburn, peptic ulcer and Crohns disease
  • Because of its stimulation and boosting of the immune system Aloe Vera is considered a potential treatment for AIDS patients.
  • Acemannan one principle of Aloe Vera has been shown to slow the AIDS virus from replicating and spreading through its correlations with increased interferon production [an antiviral protein with the ability to interfere with viral replication by rendering cells refractory to protein synthesis].
  • Reduction in Chronic disease risk and helps in recuperation after illness.
  • Lowers triglycerides, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels.
  • Because of high levels of collagen which help maintain lean body mass may help in weight loss for the obese.
  • Detoxifies the body.
  • Genital herpes

Should however be taken in moderation since high intake can result in lowered potassium levels.

GARLIC [allium sativum]

Clinical applications

  • Hyperlipdemia- lowers lipid levels
  • Thrombosis- reduces formation of clots [platelet aggregation] in blood vessels through the blood thinning cascade effect thus reducing chances of stroke and heart attack.
  • Hypertension- lowers blood pressure
  • Reduces menstrual pain, muscle pain, nerve pain and arthritis.
  • Treats corns, warts, calluses ear infection and other dermatological problems.
  • Vermifuge- treats intestinal worms.
  • Diabetes- reduces blood sugar levels
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Immunostimulant- aids in combating cancer/ retards tumor formation and metastasis-spread.
  • Increases blood levels of antioxidant enzymes thus acts as an effective remedy against the oxidative effects caused by free radicals.
  • Prevents LDL cholesterol oxidation.
  • Lowers triglycerides and cholesterol levels.
  • Inhibits lipid peroxidation in the liver retarding the aging process of liver cells.
  • Maintains the health functioning of the liver.
  • Detoxification of the liver and entire body thus improving metabolism.
  • Garlic has been used reasonably successfully in AIDS patients to treat cryptosporidium, toxoplasmosis and other opportunistic infections.
  • The ethers in garlic though this has not been substantiated empirically act as lipid solvents inactivating the infectivity of viruses including herpes viridae, hepatitis B and HIV [in vitro findings].
  • Garlic stimulates the activity of the defensive cells of the body, both lymphocytes and macrophages- these cells which flow with the blood protect us from micro-organisms, and furthermore they are able to destroy cancerous cells, at least in the initial phases of tumor formation.
  • The consumption of garlic has a good effect on any infectious disease augmenting the defensive ability of our body, besides directly destroying certain micro-organisms.
  • Depurative- purifies the body by enhancing elimination of waste through the kidneys, the liver and the skin.
  • Promotes METABOLISM.
  • Promotes CATABOLISM.
  • Garlic principles act against various types of fungi, yeasts, and some viruses, such as HERPES and HIV 1 and 2- the active principles of garlic are supposed to interact with the nucleic acids of the virus, thus limiting its proliferation.
  • Principles act in vitro and in vivo against the following micro-organisms: E Coli, Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, Candida- due to sulfurated essence which diffuses easily throughout the bodys tissues.
  • Balances the intestinal flora and stimulates natural immunity.
  • Rich in Vitamin C- ASCOBIC ACID and Vitamin B 3 NIACIN PPFactor which acts as a coenzyme within the body facilitating the numerous chemical reactions essential to carbohydrate and fat metabolism allowing these nutrients to provide energy to the cells- lack of NIACIN manifests itself by dry, cracked, red skin as well as muscular weakness and dyspepsia.

Serious deficiency of NIACIN causes PELLAGRA characterized by the so called three Ds--- DERMATITIS, DIARRHOEA, DEMENTIA.

High intake may however reduce clotting effects in platelets prolonging bleeding in injury and child birth thus not recommended in pregnancy.

GINGER [zingiber officinale]

Clinical applications

  • Antispasmodic- it relaxes all types of muscles
  • Aromatic- gingers aroma, flavor and warmth help to stimulate the digestive system.
  • Diuretic hence prevents fluid retention and oedema
  • Carminative- the volatile oils in ginger relax the stomach and stimulate peristalsis thereby supporting digestion and reducing gas and flatulence/ helps cure and prevent- dyspepsia, slow motility symptoms, constipation, gastroparesis.
  • Diaphoretic- it induces perspiration and the elimination of toxins through the skin.
  • Rubefacient- applied to the skin, ginger stimulates and dilates the blood capillaries thus increasing circulation.
  • Sialogogue- ginger promotes the secretion of saliva.
  • Stimulant- as a circulatory aid, ginger supports and speeds up the bodys physiological systems.
  • Cardiovascular- prevents the formation of clots in blood vessels through the cascade effect- preventing obstructions that result in stroke and heart attack.
  • Rhematism and joint pain prevention
  • Fatigue, headache, nausea and poor dietary habits remedy.
  • Energy levels, mood, emotion are improved promoting balance.
  • Detoxification- ginger expels toxins opens the pores of the skin and stimulates circulation therefore it is considered useful in colds, influenza, mucus congestion and fluid blockages in the body.
  • Detoxifies the liver with effects in lifting depressive, angry or sad moods.
  • For the energy and mind ginger inspires confidence due to its metabolic effects and support to body systems.
  • Ginger principles promote the production of the cytokine Tumor necrosis factor [TNF-] in the alveolar macrophages which might express an antiviral HIV, influenza, Hepatitis B effect.
  • Improves male health.

Must be avoided however during pregnancy for it may result in abortion although some practitioners content it reduces motion and morning sickness.


Clinical applications

  • Best known as excellent source of nutrition and a natural energy booster.
  • Leaves rich in iron therefore highly recommended for expectant mothers.
  • Since all essential amino acids are present Moringa may be rightly called a complete food for total nutrition more Vitamin A than carrots, more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach, more Vitamin C than the orange, more potassium than the banana and the protein quality of Moringa leaves rivals that of milk and eggs.
  • Analgesic- alcoholic extracts of the leaf possess marked analgesic activity.
  • Anti-inflammatory activity- poultice of leaves is beneficial in glandular swelling.
  • Antipyretic activity- the antipyretic activity of ethanolic, petroleum ether, solvent ether [ethers have antiviral activity- thus moringas correlation with improved CD4+ counts] and ethyl acetate extracts of seeds was screened using yeast induced hyperpyrexia method. Paracetamol was used as a standard for comparison. The ethanolic and ethyl acetate extracts of seeds showed significant antipyretic activity.
  • Antiasthmatic activity- a study showed appreciable decrease in severity of symptoms of asthma and simultaneous improvements in respiratory function.
  • Wound healing properties- when assessed for healing activity in excision, incision and dead space wounds the ethanolic and ethyl acetate extracts of leaves showed significant wound healing activity that is comparable with the standard vicco turmeric cream. PHYTOSTEROLS AND PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS present in these extracts promote the wound healing activity.
  • Antidiabetic activity- an extract from the Moringa leaf has been shown to be effective in lowering blood sugar levels within 3 hrs ingestion.
  • Hepatoprotective activity- the methanolic and chloroform extracts [chloroform has antiviral properties due to its lipid solvent properties on enveloped viridae e.g., HIV 1/2, herpes, etc] of leaves of Moringa have shown very significant hepatoprotection aganst CCL induced hepatotoxicity.
  • Antitumor and anticancer activity- few isolated bioactive compounds from the seeds were tested for antitumor promotive activity using 7, 12 DMBA as initiator and TPA as tumor promoter. From the results, niazimicin, thiocarbamate from the leaves of Moringa oleifera was found to be potent chemopreventive agent in chemical CARCINOGENESIS.
  • The seed extracts also effective on hepatic carcinogen metabolizing enzymes, antioxidant parameters and skin papillomagenesis.
  • Antimicrobial activity rich in antimicrobial agents- the active antibiotic principle pterygospermin has powerful antibacterial, antiviral and fungicidal effects.
  • Antihypertensive, diuretic and cholesterol lowering activities- Moringa leaf juice is known to have a stabilizing effect on blood pressure.
  • Antispasmodic, antiulcer and anthelmentic activities.
  • Blindness and eye infection- due to high Vitamin A prevents night blindness and delays outset of cataracts. Juice can be instilled in eyes in cases of conjunctivitis.
  • Cardiac and circulatory stimulant- Moringa acts on the sympathetic nervous system and acts as a cardiac stimulant.
  • Antioxidant activity- oils derived from the dried seeds aqueous methanol [80%] and ethanol [70%] extracts of freeze dried leaves showed radical scavenging and antioxidant activities- acts on free radicals. Leaves potential source of natural antioxidants.
  • Detoxifier.
  • Considerable efficacy in water purification by flocculation, sedimentation and antibiosis.
  • Sexual virility- treats erectile dysfunction in men and prolongs sexual activity in women.
  • Venomous bites- treats by snakes, spiders, scorpions etc


Clinical application

  • Improves skin texture
  • Prevents water retention in tissues- oedema
  • Improves digestion- heals constipation, colitis, abdominal distension
  • Nervous functioning- thinking, perceiving, memory
  • Respiratory tract- bronchitis, reduces phlegm, flu, colds
  • Reproductive- prolapse of the uterus
  • Eye- high in betacarotene the precursor to Vitamin A thus good for the eyes
  • Richest in Vitamin C thus prevents disease associated with deficiency
  • Anti-septic
  • Anti-depressant
  • Sedative
  • Tonic
  • AIDS- oranges slow but do not completely halt the development of viruses in cells- they increase the production of interferon an antiviral protein produced within the body. Interferon interferes with viral replication by rendering cells refractory to protein synthesis.
  • Richness in Vitamin C enhances iron absorption.
  • Organic acids particularly citric acid potentiates the activity of Vitamin C and facilitate the elimination of toxic residues such as uric acid from the body.
  • Rich carotenoids similar to beta-carotene- which transform into Vitamin A in the body act as powerful antioxidants [beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin].
  • Thanks to the combination of Vitamin C and other natural chemical substances they contain- oranges increase the disease fighting capabilities of LEUCOCYTES- they increase the number and longevity of these white blood cells attributed to the combined effect of folic acid and Vitamin C.
  • The flavonoids found in oranges potentiated by Vitamin C inhibit the building of clot forming platelets in the blood thus oranges help make the blood more fluid and improve circulation particularly in the two organs requiring the most consistent blood supply- THE BRAIN and THE HEART.
  • ORANGES also contain four highly effective ANTIOXIDANTS that mutually potentiate themselves- VITAMIN C, QUERATIN, PROVITAMIN A and FOLIC ACID.

The result is a powerful antioxidant effect on all of the bodys cells

  • Today it is known that arteriosclerosis and the aging process itself have their biochemical origin in oxidizing phenomena- high doses of VITAMIN C is proven to reduce blood pressure significantly.

Regular orange consumption including the pulp and even the mesocarp is associated with reduced blood cholesterol, lowered blood pressure and lower rates of arteriosclerosis, arterial thrombosis and heart disease.

  • Oranges help cure constipation and intestinal atony through two mechanisms: they stimulate the empting of the gall bladder [CHOLAGOGIC effect] with the subsequent laxative effect of bile in the intestine and their soft vegetable fiber stimulates peristaltic action in the intestine.
  • In addition to relieving constipation, oranges alleviate the hemorrhoids that often accompany it. To achieve the best results in both cases an orange treatment should be followed----four to six oranges per day.

May however perpetrate hyperactivity in the baby in pregnancy, and in young children.

CINNAMON [cinnamomum verum/ cinnamomum aromaticum- cassia]

Clinical applications

  • Rich source of iron, calcium and manganese.
  • Increases energy and elevates the mood.
  • Calms the stomach and prevents ulcers.
  • Contains benzaldehydes an active antitumor agent hence applicable in cancer treatment- researchers are investigating its role in leukemia and lymphomas.
  • Prevents urinary tract infection and candida.
  • Improves male health.
  • Effective remedy for common cold- coarsely powdered and boiled in a glass of water with a pinch of pepper powder and honey, can be beneficially used in influenza, sore throat, and malaria.
  • Alleviates indigestion, stomach cramps, intestine spasms, nausea and flatulence- a tablespoon of cinnamon water mixed with honey relieves flatulence and indigestion.
  • Serves as a good mouth freshener.
  • Cinnamon prevents nervous tension, improves complexion and memory.
  • Alleviates headache produced by exposure to cold air- apply a paste of finely powdered cinnamon mixed in water on the temples and forehead.
  • Improves the appetite and treats diarrhea.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties- thus useful in treating rheumatism and other inflammations as joint stiffness caused by arthritis in general stimulating the healthy functioning of all the vital human organs.
  • Anti-spasmodic properties- thus useful in treating spasmodic afflictions, asthma, excessive menstruation, paralysis, uterus disorders and gonorrhea and good for female gynecological health.
  • Provides relief from morning sickness and nasal congestion.
  • Promotes healthy teeth and gums.
  • Anti-clotting properties- improves blood circulation thus useful in alleviating stroke, hypertension and other cardiovascular problems.
  • Sometimes used as a prophylactic agent, to control German measles.
  • Extracts active against candida albicans, the fungus responsible for vaginal yeast infection.
  • Extracts active against helicobacter pylori, the bacterium responsible for stomach ulcers.
  • Antimicrobial properties are due to eugenol and cinnamaldehyde.
  • Extracts in vitro inhibit the growth of cultured tumor cells.
  • Useful as a food preservative to inhibit the growth of common

food-bourne bacteria such as Salmonella and E coli.

  • Boosts the immune system against infection.
  • Diabetes- stabilizes sugar levels due to water-soluble polyphenolic polymers derived from an antioxidant catechins a compound which increases insulin sensitivity by enhancing insulin receptor function and increase glucose uptake.

A study involving 60 men and women, average age 52 years, who had type 2 diabetes, were given half teaspoon a day of cinnamon for 6 weeks and they showed a 25% decrease in fasting blood glucose levels as well as a 12% drop in blood cholesterol levels and a 30% drop in blood triglyceride levels.

Can be toxic in larger doses due to cinnamaldehyde, the major oily constituent of the bark.


Aney JS et. al [2009] Pharmacological and Phamaceutical potential of Moringa Oleifera : A review, Journal of Pharmacy Research, vol. 2. Issue 9 September.

Aloe vera research [1997] Research on clinical uses of Aloe vera, Summary of Articles, Oxford University, htm

Davies JR [2010] Traditional western herbal products- Ginger zingiber offffinale, Herbs Hands Healing, htm

Faley J [2005] Molinga Olefeira: A review of the Medical Evidence for its Nutritional, Therapeutic and Prophylactic properties, Trees for life Journal, 1(5).

Falsetto S [2008] Healing properties of the Orange tree, htm

Grzanna R [2010] Ginger: An Herbal Medicinal Product with Broad Anti-Inflammatory Actions, mhtml.

Hamman JH [2008] Composition and Applications of Aloe vera Leaf gel, Molecules, 13, 1599-1616.

Mhtml:file://C:/ Documents [2010]- Health Benefits of Garlic.

Mama S [2010] Cinnamon and its healing properties, htm

Mandarin Orange, Wikipedia, htm

Moringa, Wikipedia, htm

Ping- Hsien Chuang et. al [2005] Antifungal activity of crude extracts and

essential oil of Moringa Oleifera, ELSERVIER htm.

Vegetarianism and vegetarian nutrition [2010] Cinnamon- Health benefits,





Moringa oleifera

Aloe vera




Mandarine orange


Damerera sugar

Missing due to unavailability in Malawi but pharmacologically pertinent:

Morinda citrifolia [noni]

For security of product: -preparation technique still confidential to product trade mark!

Clinical applications- AIDS, Cancer, Hypertension, Diabetes, Asthma, Gastric atony, Ulcer, Hyperlipdemia, Cholestrol, Obesity [ETC]



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