Template for a short invitation letter
The following letter can be used as a template for sending invitations, by email or post, to others who might like to join the Research Cooperative.
The 'Invite' tab above can also be used by Research Cooperative members to easily invite a few or many friends and colleagues at the same time.
Dear Mr/Ms/Dr/Prof ...
I am writing to introduce the Research Cooperative, an international social network for researchers, science writers, editors, translators, illustrators, and publishers.
The Research Cooperative was established in 2001 as a not-for-profit organisation (NPO). Membership is free (donations are accepted, but are not required). Our mission is to provide practical support for academic, scientific, technical, and popular research communication in all subjects, countries, languages, and media.
Our English-language forums can be used to request or offer volunteer or paid services. Pages for discussions in other languages are also provided.
Our members include learners, volunteers , graduate students, experienced researchers and teachers, publishers, language professionals, and language-service companies. Members can invite others to join our network, and can establish or join groups inside our network to discuss any aspect of research communication (writing, media, and publishing in general).
We currently have more than 7,0 00 members, from all regions of the world. Please visit our website, and consider joining, or tell others about the Research Cooperative.
I am writing to introduce the Research Cooperative, an international social network for researchers, science writers, editors, translators, illustrators, and publishers.
The Research Cooperative was established in 2001 as a not-for-profit organisation (NPO). Membership is free (donations are accepted, but are not required). Our mission is to provide practical support for academic, scientific, technical, and popular research communication in all subjects, countries, languages, and media.
Our English-language forums can be used to request or offer volunteer or paid services. Pages for discussions in other languages are also provided.
Our members include learners, volunteers , graduate students, experienced researchers and teachers, publishers, language professionals, and language-service companies. Members can invite others to join our network, and can establish or join groups inside our network to discuss any aspect of research communication (writing, media, and publishing in general).
We currently have more than 7,0 00 members, from all regions of the world. Please visit our website, and consider joining, or tell others about the Research Cooperative.
With thanks in advance,
Yours sincerely,
Yours sincerely,