Timeline Entry
1. Taha A. Elwi, "Toward Plasmonic UC-PBG Structures based SWCNTs for Optoelectronics Applications", Diyala Journal for Pure Science, in press, April 2017,
2. Taha A. Elwi, "A Miniaturized Folded Antenna Array for MIMO Applications", Wireless Personal Communications, DOI 10.1007/s11277-017-4950-4, pp. 1-13, September 2017,
3. H. Abdullah, Taha A. Elwi, A. A. Ali, A., A. H. Taher, and M. Thamer, "Effect of non-catalytic infrared on the grain moth Sitotroga cerealella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)", Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Research, Volume 5, Issue 2, JEBAS-2016-MS-1385, pp. 264-270, May 2017,
4. A. I. Imran and Taha A. Elwi, "A Cylindrical Wideband Slotted Patch Antenna Loaded with Frequency Selective Surface for MRI Applications" Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, volume 20, issue 3, pp. 990–996, April 2017,
5. Taha A. Elwi, "Electromagnetic Band Gap Structures based an Ultra Wideband Microstrip Antenna", Microwave and Optical Letters, volume 59, issue 4, pp. 827-834, February 2017,
6. Taha A. Elwi, "On the Percentage Quantization of the Moisture Content in the Iraqi Petroleum Productions Using Microwave Sensing", Al-Ma'mon College Journal, issue 28, pp. 262-277, December 2016,
7. A. R. Azeez, Taha A. Elwi and Z. A. Abed AL-Hussain, "Design and Analysis of a Novel Concentric Rings based Crossed Lines Single Negative Metamaterial Structure", Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, volume 20, issue 3, pp. 1140–1146, November 2016,
8. A. R. Azeez, Taha A. Elwi and Z. A. Abed AL-Hussain, "A Numerical Study of the Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna Design for Ultra Wideband Applications", SAUSSUREA Multidisciplinary International Peer Reviewed Journal, volume 6, no. 5, pp. 366-370, August 2016,
9. Taha A. Elwi, A. I. Imran, and Y. Alnaiemy, "A Miniaturized Lotus Shaped Microstrip Antenna Loaded with EBG Structures for High Gain-Bandwidth Product Applications", Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, volume 60, pp. 157-167, December 2015,
10. Taha A. Elwi and Y. Alnaiemy, "Electromagnetic Characterizations of Cement Using Free Space Technique for the Application of Buried Object Detection", Diyala Journal for Pure Science, volume 11, issue 4, pp. 1-10, July 2015,
11. Taha A. Elwi, "A Novel Approach for Modeling the Geometry and Constitutive Parameters of an Armchair Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Antenna Operating in the NIR Regime", Al-Ma'mon College Journal, issue 24, pp. 261-285, December 2014,
12. Taha A. Elwi, M. M. Hamed, Z. Abbas, and M. A. Elwi, “On the Performance of the 2D Planar Metamaterial Structure”, International Journal of Electronics and Communications, volume 68, issue 9, pp. 846–850, September 2014,
13. Taha A. Elwi, S. Al-Frieh, M. Al-Bawi, and M. Noori, “No Frequency Reuse: Wearable Steerable MIMO Microstrip Antenna Array for Wearable Ad Hoc Applications”, British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, volume 4, issue 17, pp. 2477-2488, April 2014,
14. Taha A. Elwi, M. Noori, Y. Al-Naiemy, Ethaitr S. Yahiea, “Conformal Antenna Array for MIMO Applications”, Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, volume 6, pp. 43-50, March 2014,
15. Taha A. Elwi and W. J. Khudhayer, “A Passive Wireless Gas Sensor based on Microstrip Antenna with Copper Nanorods,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, volume 55, pp. 347-364, October 2013,
16. O. A. Ibrahim, Taha A. Elwi, N. E. Islam, “Gain Enhancement of Microstrip Antennas Using UC-PBG Layer,” Canadian Journal on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, volume 3, ID: EEE-1211-016, pp. 480-483, no. 9, November 2012,
17. Taha A. Elwi “A further investigation on the performance of the broadside coupled rectangular split ring resonators,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, volume 34, pp. 1-8, August 2012,
18. Y. Al-Naiemy, Taha A. Elwi, Haider R. Khaleel, and H. M. Al-Rizzo, “A Systematic Approach for the Design, Fabrication and Testing of Microstrip Antennas Using Ink-Jet Printing Technology,” ISRN Communications and Networking, volume 2012, article ID 132465, pp. 1-11, May. 2012,
19. Taha A. Elwi and H. M. Al-Rizzo, “Electromagnetic wave interactions with 2-D arrays of single wall carbon nanotubes,” Journal of Nanomaterials, volume 2011, article ID 709263, pp. 1-8, Sep. 2011,
20. Taha A. Elwi, H. M. Al-Rizzo, N. Bouaynaya, M. M. Hammood, and Y. Al-Naiemy, “Theory of gain enhancement of UC–PBG antenna structures without invoking Maxwell’s equations: an array signal processing approach,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, volume 34, pp. 15-30, August 2011,
21. Taha A. Elwi and H. M. Al-Rizzo, “Fresnel lenses based on nano shell-silver coated silica array for solar cells applications,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, volume 32, pp. 263-282, June 2011,
22. Taha A. Elwi, H. M. Al-Rizzo, D. G. Rucker, and H. R. Khaleel, “Effects of twisting and bending on the performance of a miniaturized truncated sinusoidal printed circuit antenna for wearable biomedical telemetry devices,” AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, volume 13, no. 1, pp 1-12, March 2010,
23. Taha A. Elwi, H. M. Al-Rizzo, D. G. Rucker, E. Dervishi, Z. Li, and A. S. Biris, “Multi-walled carbon nanotube-based RF antennas,” Institute of Physics 2010 Nanotechnology, volume 21, no. 4, pp. 1-10, Jane 2010,
24. Taha A. Elwi, H. M. Al-Rizzo, D. G. Rucker, F. Song, “Numerical simulation of a UC–PBG lens for gain enhancement of microstrip antennas,” International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, volume 19, issue 6, pp. 676–684, November 2009,
H. M. Al-Rizzo, K. G. Clark, J. M. Tranquilla, R. A. Adada, Taha A. Elwi, and D. Rucker, “Enhanced low-angle GPS coverage using solid and annular microstrip antennas on folded and drooped ground planes,” IEEE Transaction on Antenna and Propagation, volume 57, no. 11, November 2009.
1. Microbial risk Assessment along the Production Line of Flexi Intermediate Bulk Containers (FIBC) Manufacturing Company Intended to Use for Food.
2. Development of low-cost novel sanitizers for fresh vegetables.
3. microbial biofertilizer in improving soil fertility and increased crop yield
4. low codt natural decoloring technology
5. use of benificial microorganisms in food safety and quality
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I have recently published Two Great Problems of Learning: Science and Civilization, an ebook available free at https://roundedglobe.com/books/61539716-6ed9-4df5-89fa-8fdd5ec80df8/Two%20Great%20Problems%20of%20Learning:%20Science%20and%20Civilization/ .
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