Research Cooperative

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Blogs: 15
Pages: 7
images: 5
youtube videos: 1
Invitations: 2
Groups: 10
Location: International
Work interests: Providing NPO social network for better research communication
Affiliation/website: Serving all members of the Research Cooperative
Preferred contact method: Other (details below)
Preferred contact language(s): English
Contact: email (researchcooperative atto gmail dotto com)
Favourite publications: PJ Matthews and J Akamine, eds. (2004) Research Writing in Japan: Personal, Cultural, and Practical Perspectives, Senri Ethnological Reports No. 49. National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka.

Join us - for better research communication!

user image 2017-09-11
By: Research Cooperative
Posted in: Details

Contents: Introduction - Create account to join - Membership types - Main Features of the Network

1. Our introduction/welcome has been translated to other languages:

Arabic Chinese Dutch French German Greek Maori Russian Spanish Portugese Romanian Tagalog Turkish , and  Vietnamese .

2. Create a free account to join. Use "Signup" box on top page (home page) or "Create account" tab in main menu. An account activation message will be sent automatically to your email address. Activate the account and begin login by clicking on the activation link. Our Terms of Service form (short version) will be shown, and to continue, please agree to this, and then press "Continue" to reach your Profile  and  Account settings pages.

256.jpg Creating a public profile is important for effective networking.  Your profile page can show your own choice of profile image, a biography, blog, image gallery, and unique URL.


At left: the well-suited profile of doctor, ethnologist, and biologist Philipp Franz von Siebold (Anon  1826, Japan,  via Wikimedia Commons). 


3. The following membership types are available:

Standard Regular Member . Free on signup. A user name, brief self-description, active email address, and password are required.

Other membership types are available on request

Advanced Regular Member - also free, but has more features (e.g. you can create your own groups inside the network).

Custom Member Website   A hosting fee is requested for individual freelancers, academic societies, research groups, language service companies, or publishers wishing to showcase activities, services and publications using a custom-designed website hosted by our network. Your own URL can be redirected to to the site. Please enquire.

4. Main features of the network

Visit   Services   to offer, request or find help related to  writing and publishing  (all topics, languages, and countries) .

  • Editors, translators, illustrators and others can  offer  volunteer, discount, or professional (paid) help.
  • Authors and publishers can  request  volunteer, discount, or professional (paid) help.

Our work-related focus  Groups  encourage contact between members with shared or complementary interests.

After login, instant messaging with other members is possible. Click on the yellow  text bubble icon  at right ( see more about 'chat' ).

Please help the Research Cooperative develop and grow! We need volunteer writers, editors, translators, moderators and commentators. See contact details below. Members can also join our  open volunteer group here

Donations  are welcome but not expected.

posta.jpg   Forgot your password?

  If you know the email address used to register with,  enter address here   to get a new password.

To learn more about using this site,  see  Documentation  and  Research Cooperative history
